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GFYI [Official] Advanced Uninstaller PRO Halloween 2020 Giveaway
[Image: innovative-solutions-logo-small.png]
We at Geeks For Your Information are very pleased to announce our
Advanced Uninstaller PRO Halloween 2020 Giveaway!
[Image: 2-GFYI-AUP-Halloween-2020-v5-s25.gif]
We would like to thank Innovative Solutions 
for sponsoring us the giveaway prizes
[Image: 3-AUP-logogif.gif]


Advanced Uninstaller PRO is the ultimate uninstaller for Windows, allowing you to uninstall programs quickly and completely using its simple and intuitive interface. Advanced Uninstaller PRO helps your PC run at its full speed by taking good care of the Windows registry and services. Monitor installations, uninstall any software, remove duplicate files, permanently delete any file, or delete browsing history. 
Advanced Uninstaller PRO 12 - How to uninstall programs and more

Advanced Uninstaller PRO  has all of the tools that users need to completely uninstall programs, to protect their privacy, to speed up, optimize and repair their PCs and to quickly and effectively remove annoying toolbars, plugins and other unwanted browser 'hijackers. New tools features , including "Daily Health Check" (premium feature), is entirely automated and continually monitors new toolbars, frees up disk space and performs daily checks of a PC's health even freeing the user of having to do it manually.  The latest version 13 of Advanced Uninstaller PRO also features "Leftover Scanner", which automatically initiates after an application has been uninstalled and performs a check to ensure that no temp files or other junk files have been left behind. "Startup Manager" scans for and removes pointless programs that launch at startup and slow down processing speed. "Duplicate Files Finder" detects and removes duplicate files to free up disk space while "Registry Cleaner" and "Registry Optimizer" repair and optimize registry entries and files for optimal PC performance.
[Image: 4-install.gif]

[Image: 5-interface-1.gif]

[Image: 6-settings.gif]

Advanced Uninstaller PRO version 13 is compatible with Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8 and Windows 10 (both the 32-bit and the 64-bit versions of Windows) and it is available for a free download online. The free version can perform almost all the features of the paid version with the exception of the "Daily Health Check" which is a premium add-on feature requiring a license. 

"Daily Health Check" (a premium add-on feature to the Advanced Uninstaller PRO suite) is tasked to continuously monitor your PC, display a brief report when something comes up. It allows the user to perform all necessary maintenance tasks through one “Fix all” button!

[Image: 7-dhc2.gif]

[Image: 8-interface-2.gif]

[Image: 9-interface-3.gif]

[Image: 10-interface-4.gif]

  • 30-days trial for Premium features:
  • Daily Health Check
  • Virus Scanner (Startup Virus Detection)

  • Easily uninstall applications and programs. The program starts a lot faster than the Control Panel Add/Remove applet, and has a handy quick search function.
  • Uninstall, disable and enable Control Panel icons.
  • Disable or delete the programs that run at startup.
  • Remove items left behind in the Add/Remove section after program uninstall.
  • Manage the fonts installed on your computer.
  • Hide, show or sort your Start menu shortcuts. Automatically find and delete the non-working shortcuts on your desktop and Start menu.
  • Uninstall Internet Explorer toolbars, plug-ins and BHOs (Browser Helper Objects).
  • Find and delete garbage and temporary files.
  • Delete the recently open files list of programs such as Microsoft Office, Windows Media Player, ICQ, MSN, WinZip, RealPlayer, Kazaa, Morpheus, WinAmp, etc.
  • Delete the Internet history trail (information about the pages you visited, addresses you typed, cookies, etc).
[Image: 11-uninstall-programs.gif]
Latest version build is Advanced Uninstaller PRO version (29-July-2020)

Changelog as based from version 12:
  • Brand new and improved interface
  • New and improved Daily Health Check
  • New Virus Scanner module (Startup Virus Detection)
[Image: 12-DHC.gif]

[Image: 13-pricing.png]

Advanced Uninstaller PRO  prizes for this giveaway/contest
Innovative Solutions has provided Geeks For Your Information Forum 5 x 2-year licenses of Advanced Uninstaller PRO as contest prizes


To boost forum participation/contribution, all who wish to participate MUST have created a minimum of 1 thread and 3 posts (threads in sections: (i) Giveaways / Contests (ii) Deals and (iii) Geeks FYI > Feedback are NOT INCLUDED). Entries not meeting the requirement will be deleted. WE WILL BE CHECKING!

1. Please answer the question below.  

"Share feedback about Advanced Uninstaller PRO and why do you want to win a license of Advanced Uninstaller PRO?"

Post your reply as contest entry WITH your social media share.  Please see sample entry below.

[Image: 14-AUP-Sample-Entry.png]


2. REQUIRED: Please share this giveaway by pasting the code below in your Facebook/Twitter/Google+ Account.  

(Share is NOT limited to popular social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and Instagram.)

Geeks For Your Information Forum [Official] Advanced Uninstaller PRO Halloween 2020 Giveaway

Optional: You may want to like/follow Innovative Solutions social networking sites as added support.

3. One entry per IP address ONLY. WE WILL BE CHECKING!

Only one entry per member is allowed. Dual entries will both be deleted and user will be banned from giveaway so please be careful.

If there are any questions / concerns pertaining to the giveaway/contest please get in touch with me through PM. Do not post it in this thread. Doing so will merit a warning and ultimately be banned from entering further giveaway/contests.

Five (5) winners will each receive one 1 x 2-year license of Advanced Uninstaller PRO
Winners will be selected by Innovative Solutions Representative
Upon winner announcement, all winners will only have 5 days to send a PM to claim their prize.
Please include your details (Name / Email) in your PM claim.
Prize will be FORFEIT if a PM claim is not received within the specified timeframe.
Prize will be FORFEIT if a PM claim is "not confirmed".
The Giveaway will run from 
October 24, 2020 to November 25, 2020
[Image: GFYI-Halloween-2020-logo-2-Hatman-crop-25.gif]
[-] The following 5 users say Thank You to jasonX for this post:
  • dhruv2193, dinosaur07, harlan4096, sgx, silversurfer
[-] The following 3 users say Thank You to jasonX for this post:
  • dhruv2193, harlan4096, Toligo
"Share feedback about Advanced Uninstaller PRO and why do you want to win a license of Advanced Uninstaller PRO?"

I have not used Advanced Uninstaller Pro yet but I have been hearing good comments from existing users. I aim to augment it with my Total Uninstaller. If the developers can provide some simple user guide for those who are new to the application that will be swell! Or perhaps a lifetime license! Thanks for this contest! Thank you Advanced Uninstaller Pro!
[-] The following 1 user says Thank You to damien76 for this post:
  • jasonX
"Share feedback about Advanced Uninstaller PRO and why do you want to win a license of Advanced Uninstaller PRO?"
I have used this app before and I have all positive things to say about it. It is very easy to install and use and I particularly like its installation monitor feature which makes the uninstall process more effective. I also like that it finds and detects more junk, temporary files than many other apps for PC optimization. I currently do not have any suggestions as I did not find the app lacking anything.
[-] The following 1 user says Thank You to dhruv2193 for this post:
  • jasonX
"Share feedback about Advanced Uninstaller PRO and why do you want to win a license of Advanced Uninstaller PRO?"

According to a well-known site, Advanced Uninstaller Pro is a suite of tools that allows to complete uninstall of any software from your PC. Removing any unwanted traces that usually remain after uninstallation which is really true and I can compare to another good uninstall program.

I want to get a copy so please count my name in and really hope to win. Thanks for giveaway contest.

[-] The following 1 user says Thank You to mjcn19 for this post:
  • jasonX
Thanks a lot for another exclusive giveaway, jasonX.
Advanced Uninstaller Pro is definitely a must have solution for software afficionados like me. I like testing various software in order to keep the best that fits my requirements and this one is of great quality. Not only its fast operations i like but the thorough cleaning capabilities in eliminating all the remnants from various uninstalled applications. The memory fingerprint is good so I would like to win a license.
My share is below: giveaway share

I followed them on my social media.
software enthusiast!
[-] The following 1 user says Thank You to dinosaur07 for this post:
  • jasonX
"Share feedback about Advanced Uninstaller PRO and why do you want to win a license of Advanced Uninstaller PRO?"

Currently, I use the free IObit Uninstaller program to uninstall programs and applications.
I want to win the Advanced Uninstaller PRO license to have a more powerful alternative. Advanced Uninstaller Pro is a powerful Uninstaller for Windows applications, which, in addition to the main function, has many other elements that regular Uninstallers can't handle. This utility can restore or delete non-working registry entries, clear non-functioning start menu shortcuts, remove toolbars and plug-ins in browsers, remove fonts, cancel the launch of programs in the system tray, etc.

Thanks for this opportunity! Thanks Innovative Solutions!

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[-] The following 1 user says Thank You to kubik67 for this post:
  • jasonX

Stay tuned for the winner announcement.
[-] The following 4 users say Thank You to jasonX for this post:
  • dinosaur07, harlan4096, silversurfer, Toligo

We are pleased to announce the WINNERS of,

GFYI [Official] Advanced Uninstaller PRO Halloween 2020 Giveaway

[Image: u6pYju.png]


Winner 1 - dhruv2193

Winner 2 - dinosaur07

Winner 3 - Toligo

Winner 4 - kubik67

Winner 5 - mjcn19

Please include your Name/Email in your win claim


Prize will be FORFEIT if a PM claim is not received within the specified timeframe.

Prize will be FORFEIT if a PM claim is "not confirmed".

[-] The following 6 users say Thank You to jasonX for this post:
  • damien76, dhruv2193, dinosaur07, harlan4096, silversurfer, Toligo
Thanks a lot for the license and congrats to all the winners!
software enthusiast!
[-] The following 1 user says Thank You to dinosaur07 for this post:
  • harlan4096

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