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Life of Maze ransomware
[Image: sl_maze_ransomware_01.png]

In the past year, Maze ransomware has become one of the most notorious malware families threatening businesses and large organizations. Dozens of organizations have fallen victim to this vile malware, including LG, Southwire, and the City of Pensacola.

The history of this ransomware began in the first half of 2019, and back then it didn’t have any distinct branding – the ransom note included the title “0010 System Failure 0010”, and it was referenced by researchers simply as ‘ChaCha ransomware’.

Shortly afterwards, new versions of this Trojan started calling themselves Maze and using a relevantly named website for the victims instead of the generic email address shown in the screenshot above.

Infection scenarios

Mass campaigns

The distribution tactic of the Maze ransomware initially involved infections via exploit kits (namely, Fallout EK and Spelevo EK), as well as via spam with malicious attachments. Below is an example of one of these malicious spam messages containing an MS Word document with a macro that’s intended to download the Maze ransomware payload.

If the recipient opens the attached document, they will be prompted to enable editing mode and then enable the content. If they fall for it, the malicious macro contained inside the document will execute, which in turn will result in the victim’s PC being infected with Maze ransomware.

Tailored approach

In addition to these typical infection vectors, the threat actors behind Maze ransomware started targeting corporations and municipal organizations in order to maximize the amount of money extorted.

The initial compromise mechanism and subsequent tactics vary. Some incidents involved spear-phishing campaigns that installed Cobalt Strike RAT, while in other cases the network breach was the result of exploiting a vulnerable internet-facing service (e.g. Citrix ADC/Netscaler or Pulse Secure VPN). Weak RDP credentials on machines accessible from the internet also pose a threat as the operators of Maze may use this flaw as well.

Privilege escalation, reconnaissance and lateral movement tactics also tend to differ from case to case. During these stages, the use of the following tools has been observed: mimikatz, procdump, Cobalt Strike, Advanced IP Scanner, Bloodhound, PowerSploit, and others.

During these intermediate stages, the threat actors attempt to identify valuable data stored on the servers and workstations in the compromised network. They will then exfiltrate the victim’s confidential files in order to leverage them when negotiating the size of the ransom.

At the final stage of the intrusion, the malicious operators will install the Maze ransomware executable onto all the machines they can access. This results in the encryption of the victim’s valuable data and finalizes the attack.

Data leaks/doxing

Maze ransomware was one of the first ransomware families that threatened to leak the victims’ confidential data if they refused to cooperate.

In fact, this made Maze something of a trendsetter because this approach turned out to be so lucrative for the criminals that it’s now become standard for several notorious ransomware gangs, including REvil/Sodinokibi, DoppelPaymer, JSWorm/Nemty/Nefilim, RagnarLocker, and Snatch.

The authors of the Maze ransomware maintain a website where they list their recent victims and publish a partial or a full dump of the documents they have managed to exfiltrate following a network compromise.
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