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We at Geeks For Your Information are very pleased to announce our 
Dr.Web Security Space v12 Back-to-School 2022 Giveaway!

[Image: Dr-Web-Intro3.gif]
We would like to thank Dr.Web for sponsoring us the giveaway prizes
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Dr.Web Security Space for Windows is an advanced security application aimed for home users. It comes packed with several protection modules for fighting against all sorts of threats that may comprise the user's computer stability and performance. Dr.Web uses default component features to detect unwanted programs and perform actions with the files containing them. Consisting of several protection modules, Dr.Web Security Space protects RAM, hard drives, and removable media of computers running Windows operating system against any kind of viruses, rootkits, Trojans, spyware, adware, hacktools, and other types of malicious objects from any external source.

Dr.Web Security Space threat signatures are regularly added/updated to the virus databases, databases of website categories and rules for email spam filtration. Constant update provides an up-to-date level of protection for users’ devices, applications and data Heuristic analysis methods implemented in the scan engine ensure an additional protection against unknown malicious software.

[Image: 4-install.gif]

Dr.Web Detection Technology

Dr.Web anti-virus solutions use several malicious software detection methods simultaneously, allowing to perform thorough checks on suspicious files and control software behavior.

  • Signature analysis

    The scans begin with signature analysis that is performed by comparison of file code segments to the known virus signatures. To reduce the size of the signature dictionary, Dr.Web anti-virus solutions use signature checksums instead of complete signature sequences. Checksums uniquely identify signatures, which preserves correctness of virus detection and neutralization. Dr.Web virus databases are composed so that some entries can be used to detect not just specific viruses, but whole classes of threats.

  • Origins Tracing

    Dr.Web anti-virus solutions use the unique "Origins Tracing" method to detect new and modified viruses that use the known infection mechanisms. In addition to detection of new and modified viruses, the "Origins Tracing" mechanism allows to considerably reduce the number of false triggering of the heuristic analyzer. 

  • Execution emulation

    The technology of program code emulation is used for detection of polymorphic and encrypted viruses, when the search against checksums cannot be applied directly, or is very difficult to be performed (due to the impossibility of building secure signatures). The method implies simulating the execution of an analyzed code by an emulator. The emulator operates with protected memory area (emulation buffer), in which execution of the analyzed program is modelled instruction by instruction. When the emulator receives a file infected with a polymorphic virus, the result of the emulation is a decrypted virus body, which is then easily determined by searching against signature checksums.

  • Heuristic analysis

    Dr.Web's heuristic analyzer is based on certain knowledge (heuristics) about certain features (attributes) that might be typical for the virus code itself, and vice versa, that are extremely rare in viruses. Depending on the sum weight of a file (weight coefficient of each attribute), the heuristic analyzer calculates the probability of unknown virus infection. If the threshold is exceeded, the heuristic analyzer generates the conclusion that the analyzed object is probably infected with an unknown virus.

    The heuristic analyzer also uses the "FLY-CODE technology", which is a versatile algorithm for extracting files which allows for heuristic assumptions in compressed files (via structural entropy analysis). The technology detects threats by arranging pieces of code; thus, one database entry allows identification of a substantial portion of threats packed with the same polymorphous packager.

  • Behavior Analysis

    Behavior analysis methods analyze the sequence of actions of all the processes in the system. When the malicious behavior is detected, actions of this program are blocked.

  • Dr.Web Process Heuristic

    Dr.Web's Process Heuristic behavioral analysis technology protects systems against new dangerous malicious programs that can avoid detection by traditional signature-based and heuristic analyses. Dr.Web Process Heuristic analyses the behavior of each running program in real time. Using the constantly updated Dr.Web cloud service, along with the information on malware behavior, it determines whether the program is dangerous and then takes necessary measures to neutralize the threat. 

  • Dr.Web Process Dumper

    Dr.Web Process Dumper provides for a comprehensive analysis of packed threats significantly improving the detection of supposedly “new” malicious programs that were added to the Dr.Web virus database before they were concealed by new packers. In addition, this type of analysis eliminates the need to keep adding new entries into the virus database. With this, Dr.Web virus databases are kept small, thus system requirements do not need to be constantly increased. 

  • Dr.Web ShellGuard

    Dr.Web ShellGuard protects your device against exploits (Exploit Protection). These vulnerabilities (exploits) are used to gain control over a targeted application or the operating system. 

  • Injection Protection

    "Injection" is a method for introducing (or injecting) malicious code into the processes running on a device. Dr.Web monitors continuously the behavior of all the processes in the system and prevents any attempt to inject the code if Dr.Web considers it to be malicious. The anti-virus program controls the changes that applications make, prohibits changing system and privileged processes. Separately, Dr.Web ensures that malicious code cannot modify the memory of popular browsers, for example, when the user makes a purchases on the internet or make transfers via online banks.

  • Ransomware Protection

    Ransomware Protection is one of the methods of Behavior Analysis that protects users' files  from cryptoware actions. The component analyzes the behavior of a suspicious process paying particular attention to the processes of file search, reading the files and attempts to modify them. The method for modification of files is also checked. When the malicious behavior is detected, actions of this program are blocked, and the attempts to modify files are prevented.

  • Machine learning

    Machine learning is used for detecting and neutralizing malicious objects missing from the virus databases without even executing the malicious code. It is detected and neutralized by judging by its features only. Machine learning technology makes the process of updating these features and virus databases automatic. The machine learning method significantly saves the resources of the operating system, since it does not require code execution to detect threats, and dynamic machine learning of the classifier can be carried out without a constant update of the virus databases that is used for signature analysis.

  • Cloud-based threat detection technologies

    Cloud-based detection methods allow scanning any object (file, application, browser extension, etc.) by its hash value. When analyzed by a hash value, objects are scanned using the existing database and then classified into categories: (i) clean, (ii) suspicious, (iii) malicious, etc. 

    Cloud-based threat detection technology optimizes the time of file scanning and saves device resources. The decision on whether the object is malicious is made almost instantly, because it is not the object that is analyzed, but its unique hash value. If there is no connection to the Dr.Web servers, the files are scanned locally, and the cloud scan resumes when the connection is restored. Dr.Web's cloud service collects information from numerous users and quickly updates data on previously unknown threats increasing the effectiveness of device protection.
[Image: 5-gen-settings.gif]

[Image: 6-theme.gif]

Dr.Web Security Space Components
  • Anti-virus

    Blocks viruses and malware from accessing the protected system and will cure the malignant programs that have already penetrated it. 

  • HTTP monitor

    Scans webpages in real time and blocks access to dangerous sites, such as those used for phishing attacks.

  • Anti-spam

    Detects spam and other unsolicited messages in any language, with next to zero false positives. 

  • Parental Control  

    Blocks access to websites by URL keywords and protects children from exposure to objectionable web content. The “restrict access” feature protects information located on removable data-storage devices and in files and directories from unauthorized access, theft, and deletion. 

  • Firewall  

    An impenetrable barrier to hackers attempting to break into the user's system. 

  • Exploit Prevention  

    Protects against malicious objects that take advantage of software flaws in popular applications.

  • Ransomware Protection

    Trojan-encoder protection based on behavioral rules for programs of this kind. 

  • Data Loss Prevention  

    Continuously protects files in user-selected folders from unauthorized tampering or deletion. (Note: Data Loss Prevention is disabled by default). 

  • Privacy 

    Blocks the camera and microphone on a device to prevent unauthorized audio and video recordings. 

  • Removable device access control    

    Blocks access to removable media: flash-drives and any other USB device, including webcams, cameras and portable media players.

  • Dr.Web Cloud  

    Checks URLs on Doctor Web’s server in real time.
[Image: 7-INT.gif]

[Image: 8-INT2-Sp-IDer-Agent.gif]

Dr.Web Security Space "Security Center"

Dr.Web Security Space's "Security Center" provides 6 tabs / management modules where the user can select a tab/category and set his protection component preference. 
[Image: 9-Sec-Tabs80.png]

Tab 1 - Files and Network are group of settings providing the user with an access to the parameters of the main protection components and Scanner.

[Image: 10-FN.gif]
  • 1. SpIDer Guard

    SpIDer Guard scans processes and files on their launch and creation and detects any malicious activity. The file system monitor (SpIDer Guard) protects the user's computer in real time and prevents infection. SpIDer Guard automatically launches upon Windows startup and scans file when they are opened, run/launched, or edited. SpIDer Guard constantly resides in memory. By default, SpIDer Guard loads automatically when Windows starts and cannot be unloaded during the current Windows session. By default, SpIDer Guard performs scan using heuristic analysis. If this option is disabled, SpIDer Guard will use signature analysis only. Anti-rootkit component included in Dr.Web provides options for background scanning of the operating system for complex threats and curing of detected active infections when necessary.

  • 2. Dr.Web Firewall

    Dr.Web Firewall protects the user's computer from unauthorized access and prevents leak of vital data through networks. It monitors connection attempts and data transfer and helps the user block unwanted or suspicious connections both on network and application levels. By default, firewall does not automatically create rules for known applications. Regardless of the operation mode selected, events are logged.

    Firewall Operation Modes:

    • Allow connections for trusted applications

      All trusted applications are allowed to access network resources, including the internet. Among trusted applications are system applications, applications with Microsoft certificate, and applications with a valid digital signature. Rules for such applications are not displayed in the rule list. For other applications, firewall prompts the user to allow or block once the unknown connection manually, as well as create a new rule for it. 

    • Allow unknown connections

      This mode allows all unknown applications for which filtering rules have not been set to access network resources, including the internet. No notification on access attempt is displayed by firewall log. 

    • Interactive learning mode

      Here the user has total control over firewall reaction to the detection of unknown connections. When an application or operating system attempts to connect to a network, the firewall checks whether filtering rules have been created for the application. If no filtering rules have been set, the user is prompted to select a temporary solution or create a rule to be applied each time this type of connection is detected. 

    • Block unknown connections

      Here the firewall automatically blocks all unknown connections to network resources, including the internet. 

    [Image: 11-FR.gif]

    Application level filtering helps the user control access of various applications and processes to network resources as well as enable or disable applications to run other processes. The user can create rules for both system and user applications. User can also modify application filter rule sets by creating new rules, editing existing ones, or deleting those that are no longer needed. Each application is explicitly identified by the path to its executable file firewall uses the "SYSTEM" name to indicate the rule set applied to the operating system kernel (the system process for which there is no unique executable file).

  • 3. Scanner

    The Scanner component performs anti-virus scan of the computer. Scanner checks boot sectors, memories, and both separate files and objects enclosed within complex structures (archives,  containers, or email attachments). Dr.Web uses all detection methods during computer scan. (re: Dr.Web Detection Technology"). On detection of a malicious object, "Scanner" only informs the user about the threat. Report on all infected or suspicious objects is displayed in the table where the user can select a necessary action. The user can apply default actions to all detected threats or select the necessary action to certain objects.

    [Image: 12-SCAN.gif]

    The default settings are optimal for most cases. However, if necessary, the user can modify the suggested actions in the "Scanner" settings window. 

    Note: The user can specify a "custom action" for each detected threat after the scan is completed, but common reaction for a particular threat type should be configured before the scanning process starts.

    Scan mode:
    • Express item to scan only critical Windows objects.
      • Scanner checks the following items:
      • Boot sectors of all disks
      • Random access memory
      • Boot disk root folder
      • Windows system folder
      • User documents folder
      • Temporary files
      • System restore points
      • Presence of rootkits (if the process is run with administrative privileges)

    • Full to scan all files on logical drives and removable media. 

      In this mode, random access memory and all hard drives (including boot sectors of all disks) are scanned. Moreover, "Scanner" runs a check for rootkits.

    • Custom item to scan only selected objects.

      In this mode, the user can scan any files or folders and such objects as random access memory, boot sectors, and so on.

  • 4. SpIDer Gate

    SpIDer Gate internet monitor automatically scans incoming HTTP traffic and blocks malicious objects HTTP is used by browsers, download managers, and other applications which work with the internet. SpIDer Gate automatically launches on Windows startup and resides in memory. SpIDer Gate can check data transmitted over cryptographic protocols, such as HTTPS SpIDer Gate scans traffic over the HTTP, XMPP (Jabber), and TLS (SSL) protocols. For that, enable the Scan encrypted traffic option in the Network section. By default, SpIDer Gate filters non-recommended websites and websites known as "infection sources". SpIDer Gate will block access to the websites known as infection or malware sources except the list of websites excluded from scan. The information on such websites is also obtained from real-time data stored on Dr.Web cloud service. 

  • 5. SpIDer Mail 

    SpIDer Mail monitors data exchange between any mail clients on the user's computer and mail servers via POP3/SMTP/IMAP4/NNTP protocols, (IMAP4 stands for IMAPv4rev1), detects and neutralizes threats before they are transferred to or from the user's computer thus preventing spread of infection via email. 

    SpIDer Mail scans encrypted email traffic and also scans messages for spam using Dr.Web Anti-spam.  SpIDer Mail resides in memory and runs automatically at OS startup. All incoming messages are intercepted and scanned before they are received by mail clients. If no threats are detected, messages are passed on to the email client as if they have been received directly from the server. Similar procedure is applied to outgoing messages before they are sent to a server.

Tab 2 - Devices and Personal Data are group of settings allowing the user to configure application access to webcams and microphones connected to the user's computer, protect important folders, and block access to certain buses and device classes.

[Image: 13-DPP.gif]
  • 1. Webcams

    Dr.Web Security Space protects the user's privacy by controlling application access to webcams connected to the user's computer. Dr.Web provides the user three (3) operation modes to be applied to all applications:
    • Allow

      Applications are allowed to access webcams. This option is selected by default.

    • Block

      Applications cannot access webcams.

    • Ask

      Dr.Web prompts the user on every application attempt to access a webcam so as an action is applied (allow or block access). 

  • 2. Data Loss Prevention

    Data Loss Prevention feature allows the user to protect content of important folders from being changed by malicious software. With this feature enabled, the user can view and add files to a protected folder, however, any modification or removal of files from this folder is blocked. To allow access to a folder for applications, the user should add necessary applications to exclusions. The user can also restore previously saved copies.

    Protected Folders

    For each folder, the user can configure application access parameters. User can view and copy the protected folder. He (the user) can also create new elements in this folder. When an application attempts to access the folder, a notification on access blocking will be displayed.

    If the user adds a folder to the list of protected folders, a default rule is applied to it. Thus, any modification and removal of the folder content is restricted for all applications, except those from the list of trusted applications.

    Data Loss Prevention applies only to local files and folders (physically located on the user's device within the same operating system on which the protection is configured. If the user has several operating systems on the same computer, he (the user) should configure Data Loss Prevention separately on each system. Protection of network files and folders is not possible.

  • 3. Microphones

    Dr.Web Security Space protects the user's privacy by controlling application access to microphones connected to his computer. Dr.Web provides the user three (3) operation modes to be applied to all applications:
    • Allow

      Applications are allowed to access microphones. This option is selected by default.

    • Block

      Applications cannot access microphones.

    • Ask

      Dr.Web prompts the user on every application attempt to access a microphone so as an action is applied (allow or block access). 

  • 4. Devices

    "Devices" allows the user to configure application access to webcams and microphones connected to his computer, protect important folders, and block access to certain buses and device classes. In the Devices window the user can restrict access to certain devices or buses and configure the list of allowed devices. Note: Device access parameters are applied for all Windows accounts. The "Devices > General parameters" allows the user to enable settings such as:
    • Block sending jobs to printers.
    • Block data transfer via local networks and the internet.

    Device blocking parameters
    The function of device blocking allows the user to (i) block one or several device classes on all the buses, and also (ii) block all the devices connected to one or several buses. Device classes are all devices that perform the same functions (e.g., printing devices). Buses are communication subsystems for transferring data between functional units of the computer (for example, the USB).

    Allowed Devices
    After the user restrict access to some buses or device classes, he can allow access to certain devices by adding them to the list of allowed devices. The user can also add a certain device to this list if he does not want it to be checked for BadUSB vulnerability. 

Tab 3 - Tools allows the user access to advanced tools to control Dr.Web product.

[Image: 14-TOOLS.gif]
  • 1. Quarantine Manager

    Quarantine Manager is an instrument that allows the user to manage isolated files. The quarantine contains files where the malicious objects were detected. Quarantine also stores backup copies of files processed by Dr.Web. With Quarantine Manager, the user can remove, scan again, and restore isolated files.

  • 2. License Manager

    This tool allows the user to view all Dr.Web licenses for your computer. He(the user) can also modify the current license, renew it or purchase a new license and activate it.

  • 3. Anti-Virus Network

    This tool allows the user to manage Dr.Web Anti-virus for Windows, Dr.Web Anti-virus for Windows Servers, or Dr.Web Security Space within one product version on other computers of his network.

Tab 4 - Prevention Protection allows the user to configure Dr.Web reaction to such actions of other programs that can compromise security of his computer and select protection level against exploits.

[Image: 15-PP.gif]
  • 1.Ransomware Protection

    Ransomware Protection allows detection of processes that attempt to encrypt user's files using known algorithm that defines processes as a security threat. Ransomware is one of these processes. When entering a computer, such malicious programs block access to user data and then demand ransom for decryption. They are considered among the most common malicious programs and cause great annual losses both to companies and ordinary users. The most common way of getting infected are bulk emails containing malicious files or a link to malware.

  • 2. Exploit Prevention

    The Exploit Prevention component allows the user to block malicious programs that use vulnerabilities of well-known applications. To determine whether an object is malicious, the component uses also the data from Dr.Web cloud service.

  • 3. Behavior Analysis

    The Behavior Analysis component allows the user to configure Dr.Web reaction on third-party application actions that may result in infecting your computer, e.g., attempts to modify the HOSTS file or to change the critically important system registry keys. Behavior Analysis component blocks automatic changing of system objects, if such modification explicitly signifies a malicious attempt to harm the operating system. Behavior analysis protects the system against previously unknown malicious programs that can avoid detection by traditional signature-based and heuristic analyses. To determine whether an application is malicious, the component uses the real-time data from Dr.Web cloud service.

Tab 5 - Parental Control component allows the user to manage the access to websites, files, and folders. The user can also set time limits on internet and computer usage. Note: By default, Parental Control is enabled for each account and operates in the "No restrictions mode".
[Image: 16-PC.gif]

[Image: 17-PCIA.gif]

Parental Control can be configured by selecting the tabs: (i) Internet, (ii) Time, and (iii) Files and Folders.
  • Internet

    Configures access to internet resources. The tab allows the "Admin" to restrict users from visiting unwanted websites (pages on violence, gambling, etc.) or allow access "only" to certain websites. 

  • Time

    Configures access to the computer and the internet and set "time limits" on use of the computer and the internet. The "Admin" can set selected time and days of the week for all users. 

  • Files and Folders

    Configures access the to file system and allows the "Admin" to restrict access to certain files or folders (on local drives and removable media).

Tab 6 - Exclusions allows the user to configure "exclusions" from SpIDer Guard, SpIDer Gate, SpIDer Mail and Scanner scans, as well as add sender addresses to black or white lists not to scan the messages for spam.

[Image: 18-EX.gif]
  • 1. Websites

    The user can configure list of websites access to which is allowed regardless of the SpIDer Gate HTTP traffic scan parameters. If the "Block non-recommended websites" option is enabled in SpIDer Gate parameters, the user can allow access to "specific" websites by adding them to the exclusion list. Access to the websites on the list is allowed, however the websites are still scanned for viruses.

  • 2. Applications

    The user can specify a list of programs and processes which activity will be excluded from scanning by the file monitor SpIDer Guard, the internet monitor SpIDer Gate, and the mail anti-virus SpIDer Mail. The objects that are changed as a result of the activity of these applications are excluded.

  • 3. Files and Folders

    The user can manage the list of files and folders to be excluded from system anti-virus scans by the SpIDer Guard and Scanner components. He (the user) can also exclude Dr.Web quarantine folders, working folders of some programs, temporary files (paging file), and so on.

  • 4. Anti-Spam

    The user can configure lists of senders whose messages will be excluded from spam scan.

Latest version is Dr.Web Security Space for Windows v12.0 (9-Aug-2022)

August 9, 2022
Quote:Russian anti-virus company Doctor Web has updated the module Dr.Web Anti-rootkit API, API in Dr.Web anti-virus applications. The updated products include:
  • Dr.Web Enterprise Security Suite 12.0;
    • Dr.Web Enterprise Security Suite 13.0;
      • Dr.Web AV-Desk 13.0’s subscription-based Dr.Web Anti-virus software.

Issues resolved:
  • A defect causing the application Veeam Backup & Replication to be blocked while a backup was being created;
    • A compatibility issue between the Docker application and Dr.Web that occurred on machines running Windows Server Core.

August 3, 2022
Quote:Russian anti-virus company Doctor Web has introduced minor upgrades to further boost its applications' security.

The changes affect Dr.Web Thunderstorm Cloud Client SDK in Dr.Web Security Space 12.0, Dr.Web Anti-virus 12.0, Dr.Web Anti-virus 12.0 for Windows Servers, and Dr.Web AV-Desk 13.0's subscription-based Dr.Web Anti-virus software.

Meanwhile, Dr.Web Mesh Client has been updated in Dr.Web Enterprise Security Suite 13.0 and Dr.Web AV-Desk 13.0’s subscription-based Dr.Web Anti-virus software.

Dr.Web ES Service and Dr.Web ES Update Helper have been made current in Dr.Web Enterprise Security Suite 12.0 and 13.0, and Dr.Web AV-Desk 13.0’s subscription-based Dr.Web Anti-virus software.



Dr.Web Security Space v12 licenses for this giveaway/contest
Dr.Web has provided Geeks For Your Information Forum FIVE (5 x 1-year) licenses of Dr.Web Security Space v12 as Back-to-School 2022 contest prizes!
( Dr.Web Security Space license is for 1-PC plus 1-Android device )

Everyone can join in this contest including approved "new members"
Note: 'new members' must have posted in the "Introduction" section HERE to qualify.

1. Please answer the question below.

"Share feedback to Dr.Web about Dr.Web Security Space features and why do you want to win a Dr.Web Security Space v12 license?"

Post your reply as contest entry WITH your social media share.  Please see sample entry below.

[Image: 19-DWSSv12-Sample-Entry.png]

2. REQUIRED: Please share this giveaway by pasting the quoted text below in your Facebook/Twitter/Google+ Account. Kindly share both links below separately. 

(Share is NOT limited to popular social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and Instagram.)

Quote:Geeks For Your Information Forum [Official] Dr.Web Security Space v12 Back-to-School 2022 Giveaway
Quote:Dr.Web Security Home Products 2022

Optional (but greatly appreciated) : Kindly like/follow the social networking sites of Dr.Web as added support.

3. One entry per IP address ONLY. WE WILL BE CHECKING!

Only one entry per member is allowed. Dual entries will both be deleted and user will be banned from giveaway so please be careful.

If there are any questions / concerns pertaining to the giveaway/contest please get in touch with me through PM. Do not post it in this thread. Doing so will merit a warning and ultimately be banned from entering further giveaway/contests.


[Image: PROMO.gif]
Each of the FIVE (5) winners will get one (1) license of Dr.Web Security Space v12
( Dr.Web Security Space license is for 1-PC plus 1-Android device )

Winners will be selected by Dr.Web Representative and once posted, winners will only have 5 days to send a PM to claim their prize. 
Please include your details (Name / Email) in your PM claim for proper licensing.

Prize will be FORFEIT if a PM claim is not received within the specified timeframe.
Prize will be FORFEIT if a PM claim is "not confirmed".

The Giveaway will run 
from September 4, 2022 to October 15, 2022

Good luck to all!!!
[Image: Zh1qaTf.gif]
Thanks a lot for this very good giveaway jasonX
Thanks also to the developer for supporting it.

Share feedback to Dr.Web about Dr.Web Security Space features and why do you want to win a Dr.Web Security Space v12 license?

I am old user of Dr. Web products back in 2015 when I started using their AV. What I like a lot is the malware detection being almost perfect, then the memory footprint which is very light and last but not least the spider UI.
I'd like to win a license for it.
My share is below: giveaway share
Dr. Web products share
"Share feedback to Dr.Web about Dr.Web Security Space features and why do you want to win a Dr.Web Security Space v12 license?"

I had the pleasure of using Dr.Web Security Space v10 and Dr.Web Anti-Virus v10. My experience was it was okay and never did get infected. The initial scan I remember took a bit of time but when it did the succeeding scans were at par with other alternatives. I do not remember then if the android was a part of the Dr.Web Security Space license but I have not used it yet. I always like the parental control of Dr.Web and the SpIDer Guard protecting the user. My sister loved it when she was using version 10 also! I'd like to join so I can again enjoy the trusted/tried protection of Dr.Web. Thanks for this giveaway! Thanks very much Dr.Web!

My tweets:
giveaway share
"Share feedback to Dr.Web about Dr.Web Security Space features and why do you want to win a Dr.Web Security Space v12 license?"
I have not tried Dr.web products in the past. I would like to win a license to the same to use its stellar malware detection capbailities to detect and remove all malware and keep y PC safe. I also like its parental protection feature.

Dr. Web Products share link
"Share feedback to Dr.Web about Dr.Web Security Space features and why do you want to win a Dr.Web Security Space v12 license?"

   I have previously used Dr.Web Security Space and this antivirus has successfully coped with its purpose.
Dr.Web Security Space includes almost the entire range of protective functions against all types of Internet threats, including zero-day vulnerabilities and includes antivirus, firewall, preventive protection, antispam, SpIDer web antivirus Gate, data and information protection, parental control.
   It would be nice to have another sandbox module.
   I want to win a Dr.Web Security Space v12 license to comprehensively protect the system from vulnerabilities using just one program.
  Thanks for this contest and chance to win a Dr.Web Security Space license! Thanks for this Dr.Web!    

Twitter Share of GFYI giveaway / contest code    
Facebook Share of GFYI giveaway / contest code
Dr. Web products share on Twitter
Great thanks for the contest!
"Share feedback to Dr.Web about Dr.Web Security Space features and why do you want to win a Dr.Web Security Space v12 license?"
Last year I tried this security solution on my mum's PC and I was amazed how fast the scan was performed and about the scanning results catching some malware installed as a PUP or bundled with legitimate software.
I'd like a license in order to test it once again on my PC.
I follow them on
dr web product
Hi all, 

Sponsor has given instructions to randomize the winners. Thus....

We are pleased to announce the WINNERS of,

GFYI [Official] Dr.Web Security Space v12 Back-to-School 2022 Giveaway
[Image: AL8ZkAL.png]
Winner#1 -  kubik67

Winner#2 - damien76

Winner#3 - dhruv2193

Winner#4 - pisondi

Winner#5 - dinosaur07
Please include your Name/Email in your win claim
Prize will be FORFEIT if a PM claim is not received within the specified timeframe.
Prize will be FORFEIT if a PM claim is "not confirmed".