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Full Version: [Andoid][App]Bluetooth Mono Media
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[Image: pxnj0rozYoKIogawI0eX7P3n3nsOnkfkmkUoC66R..._E=w300-rw]
Bluetooth Mono Media

This application is a switch that allows you to listen to music on bluetooth devices that does not support media files (calls only). 

You can also use it in the car stereo

[Image: atFH_znPJQVTlZDLCS_vOr3q8UIbSoQBpGVn-UDI..._I=h310-rw][Image: nDiGUvoNiiguaNyiowiSk8EX0gQKxQPG9wcF4HvI...Fw=h310-rw][Image: 0becOK5YQ92Q4NzQNtS5IRwjrmjb8Bw0CUJvArXw...V0=h310-rw]